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Birdsfoot Trefoil
Birdsfoot Trefoil is a perennial producing high-quality forage for cattle and sheep that adapts well to production on poorly drained, low-pH soils.
Grown in the northern United States and southern Canada, where production of other forage legumes is limited.
Turnip Seed
Forage type used for sheep and cattle.
Improves soil compaction.
Can be used to supplement a rotational grazing system.
Matures in 12-14 weeks.
Rapeseed, Trophy
A member of the cabbage family used for hog and sheep pasture.
Offers valuable feed when other crops are in their summer slump.
Can be harvested or grazed every 30 days following a 75 day establishment period.
White Mustard
Planted as a cover crop to benefit soil.
Can help control nematodes.
Has soilborne pathogen and weed suppression benefits.
Rapid growing cover warm season crop.
Loosens soil while increasing phosphorus and potassium availability.
Provides nectar for pollinators and beneficial insects.
Common Vetch
Prolific nitrogen fixer
Used as a green manure, cover crop, silage, pasture, and hay.
Suppresses weeks with loosening topsoil.
Hosts beneficial insects.
Less winter-hardy than hairy vetch.
Hairy Vetch
Prolific nitrogen fixer
Suppresses weeks with loosening topsoil.
Hosts beneficial insects.